24 March 2014

Obama Feeling Pressure From The People About The NSA?

So the New York Times reports that President Obama apparently is finally taking a serious look into the NSA's spy and bulk collection program and end it! Whoa! This is huge news. 

While Senator Feinstein and some other Congress members believe the NSA spying on Americans is a-okay as long as we catch the terrorists (that we have yet to do with said programs), the people have not been fooled.

So it appears that the people have some power after all. While Obama claimed that the programs would be reviewed regardless of Edward Snowden's leaks, it is quite obvious that that is probably far from the truth. But the people have spoken. No spying. Stop watching us. Stop collecting our personal information. The 4th Amendment is there for a reason.

The next step? Let Snowden come home a free man. He exposed government lies and corruption. Now that the President has pretty much validated Snowden's leaks, we need to stop treating him like a criminal.

It will be very interesting to see how and what exactly will come of this. Will a new program start up again that Snowden does not have access to? Will the government actually obey the laws of our Constitution in this instance? Will we ever feel secure in our privacy again?

Here is the New York Times article: Obama to Call for End to N.S.A.'s Bulk Data Collection

And last but not least, let's hope Congress lets the Patriot Act expire. It's bad law, it's abusive, and it's about time.

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