16 January 2014

Dirty Wars Nominated for Best Documentary Oscar

War is a dirty thing. It always has been and it will continue to be. The fact alone that all wars are fought because of greed or hate is inherently a terrible thing. So, to talk about covert warfare as if it were a shocking and wrong is almost silly, yet here we are.

13 January 2014

ACLU v. Clapper Case Dismissed, NSA Continues Bulk Collection

ACLU v. Clapper Case Dismissed, NSA Continues Spying
IMAGE: Electronic Frontier Foundation
In June, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) brought a case against James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, questioning the legality of the NSA’s programs to spy on the American people and collect and store bulk information for future use. ACLU v. Clapper was made possible after Edward Snowden blew the whistle on the NSA.

09 January 2014

The War on Reproductive Rights

Forty years ago Roe v. Wade gave women the right to choose when it came to their ability to have an abortion. While the moral debate went on, and indeed intensified, it remained law that women had control over their bodies. Unfortunately, current events in some states have proven that although Roe v. Wade is still law, it is possible to regulate clinics so harshly that they are forced to close their doors, leaving women around the country without the care they need and want.

The debate looks like a moral issue on the outside and anti-choice advocates claim abortion is murdering innocent lives and hurting women. While many anti-choice people may believe this is the goal of these strict laws, pro-choice women see the matter in a different light.