The basic principle of what capitalism has become is a system of greed. Take labor from the poor and barely pay them, strip bare the earth for resources and leave it to deteriorate, convince people they are happy by filling their lives with more and newer useless items, and most recently ending restrictions on donation caps basically equating that money = free speech.
Supply and demand are a strong advocate of capitalism, but with the amount of manipulation in the system, the brainwashing images of what beauty is supposed to be, the idea that you cannot live a fulfilled life unless you have the newest gadget, all of these pointless goals in our lives create a place where happiness is confused and misplaced. You don't NEED that new insert: whatever, you likely already have an older whatever.
This system, where money is the ruler of all things, is crazy because it is based on something that has no value, paper or electronic currency. If I'm starving, what good is a dollar bill? You can't eat it, it doesn't give you cover from weather, but you can burn it for warmth.
Unarmed students. |
I and my generation are witnessing the destruction of the earth for wealth.
Armed Tea Party. |
This gap in treatment really shows how powerless people are when they want change that can upend the system to stop the wealth-hoarding of the rich and how people who follow the ideology of the Koch brothers are safe and sound, and that's not to mention they have guns. Change is an uphill battle to put it lightly.
Photo From |
We have a system that is built to scare us into submission allowing for the NSA to spy, the TSA to see you naked, a government that warns you of the horrible terrors of the world, promising protection with drones, guns, violence. But what is it all for?
Oil. Economic Domination. War Contracts. Profit.
We have allowed education to crumble for profit. While tuition skyrockets, classes are getting more difficult to get into, making it extremely challenging for students to graduate within four years. And the few that actually do finally graduate, aren't well rounded enough to survive in our society and there aren't enough educated people to make a strong, smart work force.
With climate change a serious and real concern for my generation, and those that will come after, our current system drudges forward while our politicians prattle on about how we need to reduce emissions while allowing companies to continue and expand their destructive ways. The inability of politicians can not be totally faulted onto them either. The system we have been living under does not allow them (if they are to last in politics or to be looked at seriously) to stand up against the giant corporations who own them.
So what do we do? Do we vote more? Do we ignore our societies/earth's problems and troll Facebook? Do we have a bloody (second) revolution?
Sadly, I have not found the path to change yet. For me, I'll just keep blogging. Reading. Signing Petitions. Protesting.
Viva le Résistance!
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