07 November 2013

Million Mask March

On November 5th, the hacktivist group Anonymous called for an international day of action to protest, well whatever you want. Thousands, if not a million people around the world marched, protested and spread their messages of equality, freedom, and honesty. Here in Los Angeles, we marched for a variety of reasons, while the most vocal of the group being to end the Federal Reserve.

For me the march was not for one specific idea. When people asked me why I was there, I had a hard time answering. In the spirit of Anonymous and #Occupy, there are too many reasons I was there to specify without bending someone's ear for quite a while.
"Remember, remember the 5th of November. The gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot."
The march took place on Guy Fawkes day, celebrating his failed attempt to blow up the British Parliament in 1605. He was made famous in the dystopian society of the comic series V of Vendetta, where he became a symbol of resistance and gave hope and courage to the oppressed against a fascist English government.

What was amazing about the march was how well the turn out was worldwide with just the use of social media as a way to communicate. For me, I found the march in Los Angeles through Facebook after scouring twitter for days with no success. It really was empowering to know that not everyone relies on corporate media for their news and information. The growth of a social media movement, information sharing, and peaceful civil disobedience is not letting the powerful and greedy get away with (literally) murder without a spreading awareness of their corruption.

I marched.

I marched for the children orphaned and killed by United States drones.
I marched for the end of austerity.
I marched for truth.
I marched for freedom.
I marched for tolerance.
I marched for love.
I marched for John Lennon's message.
I marched for the protection of our Constitutional Rights.
I marched for privacy.
I marched for the end of US sponsored dictatorships.
I marched for spreading freedom.
I marched for spreading peace.
I marched for US created terrorists.
I marched for true transparency.
I marched for Chelsea Manning.
I marched for Edward Snowden.
I marched for the Arctic 30.
I marched for the oceans.
I marched for the forests.
I marched for LGBTQ rights.
I marched for women's rights.
I marched for the end of sexism.
I marched for the end of rape culture.
I marched for abortion rights.
I marched for civil rights.
I marched for the end of racism.
I marched for the end of stop and frisk.
I marched for closure of Guantanamo.
I marched for the tortured.
I marched for those in solitary confinement.
I marched for the poor.
I marched for the sick.
I marched for the hungry.
I marched for the foreclosed on.
I marched for unfairly caused bankrupt.
I marched for a livable wage.
I marched for the forgotten.
I marched for the end of bank greed.
I marched for the end of corporate welfare.
I marched for the end of too big to fail.
I marched for the people imprisoned falsely.
I marched for the end of corporate bought politicians.
I marched for those in the revolving doors of prison.
I marched for those caught in the cogs of the machine.
I marched for Detroit.
I marched for the end of the Drug War.
I marched for the missing War on Poverty.
I marched for end of a broken two party system.
I marched for those killed by gun violence.
I marched for schools.
I marched for affordable education.
I marched for a world where educations is more important than bombs.
I marched for Iran.
I marched for Iraq.
I marched for Syria.
I marched for Palestine.
I marched for Pakistan.
I marched for Yemen.
I marched for Egypt.
I marched for Africa.
I marched for Cuba.
I marched for Brazil.
I marched for Mexico.
I marched for Bangladesh.
I marched for Earth.
I marched for the environment.
I marched for GMO labeling.
I marched for the end of Monsanto.
I marched for Animal Rights.
I marched for open-mindedness.
I marched for understanding.
I marched for compassion.
I marched for the end of speciesim.
I marched for real food.
I marched for the end of misleading labels.
I marched for honey bees.
I marched for nature.
I marched for the oceans.
I marched for the end of fracking.
I marched for the end of fossil fuels.
I marched for clean energy.
I marched for our ancestors.
I marched for our children.
I marched for me.
I marched for you.
I marched for every being on our Earth.

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